Archives: Movie Reviews

  • The Abominable Dr. Phibes (1971)

    The Abominable Dr. Phibes (1971) delivered much more than I was expecting: It’s visually stunning and features an unforgettable performance by Vincent Price, who manages to communicate the content of sentences without once moving his lips–by the end of the film, my facial and neck muscles ached in sympathy. Through its gimmicks and theatrical style,…

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  • Child’s Play (1988)

    As a fan of horror, I am embarrassed to admit that, until yesterday, I had never seen Tom Holland’s iconic Child’s Play (1988). There are a few reasons for this: Chucky’s phrases, which were used extensively in the marketing, rub me the wrong way. I found the taglines neither funny nor scary, but irritating as…

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  • You’re So Cool, Brewster! The Story of Fright Night (2016)

    Watching Fright Night was formative in my development as a horror fan. It is, without a doubt, my favorite movie. So when I came across a Special Edition Blu-ray in a local Austin record store, I snatched it up faster than you can say “You’re so cool, Brewster!” Imagine my excitement when I discovered that…

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